Phone: 970.414.0954 | Address: 2806 N. Speer Blvd Denver, CO 80214

Women’s Sexual Enrichment & Educational Group

Please join Lily and other self identitifed women in exploring, enriching, and learning more about your sexuality. This group will be small in size to ensure an intimate feel and to have enough time for everyone. There will be a maximum of six group members and a minimum of four with Lily as the facilitator.

Please check out the flyer below with full details.

To get registered:

Please call Lily at 970.414.0954 or email her at [email protected] to get registered, then complete payment through the online link below. NOTE: your spot will not be guaranteed until you connect with Lily AND payment has been completed, so be sure to do both.

Lily is looking forward to meeting each of you and being alongside you in the journey!


Payment link — Click Here

About the Author