Hi, there!
I hope you are having a fantastic week!
I have been fortunate to contribute to some great blogs and pieces, today I would like to share with you an excellent 8-part series I was invited to be a part of.
My colleague, Rebecca Wong, LCSW of Connectfulness Counseling is the lady behind this 8-part series on reconnecting parent couples. Part 1 discussed redefining intimacy after children. Next, in Part 2, we discuss that life {and relationships} are made in the little moments.
“I love the little moments. Grand gestures are nice too, but there is something so sweet and lovely about a small gesture that packs a whole lotta love! We may miss the little moment(s) our sweetie is offering as a way to connect because perhaps we are too busy or too tired, or we may be overlooking them because we think the moments should look a certain way, but I assure you they are happening. Each bid for attention is an opportunity to turn towards them and further connect or turn away and disconnect.
I encourage you to start looking for these moments and accept them. The next time your partner asks you how your day was, share it with them. The next time your partner is jazzed about a new movie, offer to go see it with them. Intimacy and connection happens in the small moments, be sure to open your eyes and your heart to them.” Dr. Lily A. Zehner
If you would like to read the full piece, please click here.
Until next time,
Dr. Lily A. Zehner, MFT-C is a therapist who specializes in sex, intimacy, and relationships. Her private practice is located in Denver where she helps others reach their fullest relational and sexual potential. To learn more about her and her services, please feel free to take a look around her website.